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2024 |
Beneficis i complicacions de la sedació inhalada a la persona en estat crític amb ventilació mecànica invasiva a les unitats de cures intensives: un nou repte infermer. Revisió bibliogràfica |
Adam Martos, Ariadna
gener 2021 |
Comparison of the intubation rate in bronchiolitis patients with nava and non-invasive ventilation versus patients with exclusive non-invasive ventilation: a multicentred, randomized clinical trial |
Saló Fradera, Ariadna
novembre 2023 |
Comparison of two weaning protocols in exremely and very preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome: a randomised, multicentre clinical trial |
Riu Pérez, Alba
2017 |
Can the use of postoperative CPAP in patients at high risk of OSA reduce desaturation episodes after surgery?: a controlled, randomized, clinical trial |
Gregorio Malagón, Sandra
Can the use of postoperative CPAP in patients at high risk of OSA reduce desaturation episodes after surgery?: a controlled, randomized, clinical trial |
Gregorio Malagón, Sandra
Less invasive surfactant administration versus intubate-surfactant-extubate in extremely preterm infants with RDS. A step forward. Multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial |
Serrat Muñoz, Judith
novembre 2015 |
Less invasive surfactant administration versus intubate-surfactant-extubate in extremely preterm infants with RDS. A step forward. Multicenter, randomized, controlled clinical trial |
Serrat Muñoz, Judith
setembre 2009 |
Reanimació cardiopulmonar sense ventilació |
Rimbau Muñoz, Pere
Reanimació cardiopulmonar sense ventilació |
Rimbau Muñoz, Pere
gener 2017 |
Staggered passive leg raising test for predicting several degrees of fluid responsiveness in mechanical ventilated patients: an observational study |
Bernabeu Santisteban, Rosa
Staggered passive leg raising test for predicting several degrees of fluid responsiveness in mechanical ventilated patients: an observational study |
Bernabeu Santisteban, Rosa